Vendor Suggestions

Please review the following customer feedback suggestions for products on OhGoody. We have received numerous feedback reports from customers, and the following is a brief account of what might help the average customer take the extra step and buy one of your products.

Common Suggestions - Products

  • Include explicit information regarding the serving size of your product
    • Most customers will hesitate to buy something before they know exactly how much they are getting for their money.
  • Include sample sizes of your products.
    • It's unlikely that customers will buy one of your products at a starting price of over $50. Consider inputting variations to give smaller portions, and cheaper options to introduce your products to OhGoody's customer base.
  • Include good photos of your product.
    • It doesn't matter if you sell the single greatest product on this planet. If the picture of the product has poor lighting, and does not bring out its qualities, then people on average will be less likely to buy it.
      • To simplify:


Common Suggestions - Vendor Information

  • Include a vendor story. 
    • Many customers have stated that they would not buy from someone if they couldn't get an idea of who they were. To input your story, go to your vendor portal, click on your name, click on "Seller Info" from the drop down menu and go to the tab labeled "Description." 
      • Some tips for your story: 
        • Let the customer know who you are, and why you started your business! People love a good story and statistically will be more likely to buy from someone who they feel they can trust.
        • Let the customer know if you support a mission! People love to support various missions, and this is the perfect space to tell what your brand is all about.
  • Include a logo
    • If you don't put your own logo into your vendor store, the store will display ours. While we love our logo, we are confident that a customer would like to see your logo attached to your store. 
      • To input your logo, go to your vendor portal, click on your name, click on "Seller Info" from the drop down menu and go to the tab labeled "Logos."